Results for 'Inocenc Arnošt Bláha'

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    Ethika jako věda: úvod do dějin a theorie mravnosti.Inocenc Arnošt Bláha - 1991 - V Brně: Atlantis.
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  2. Pojetí mechanismu v současné teorii vědy.Arnošt Veselý - 2016 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 38 (2):159-175.
    Článek podává systematický kritický přehled o pojetí mechanismu v tzv. nové mechanistické filosofii. Nejdříve je popsán vznik a hlavní principy NMF. Je ukázáno, že NMF vznikla do značné míry jako kritická reakce na, do té doby převažující, logický empirismus. Dále jsou představeny hlavní definiční znaky mechanismu, které jsou po té jednotlivě rozebrány. Na závěr jsou diskutovány přednosti a omezení NMF. Je argumentováno, že NMF nabídla novou a realističtější perspektivu na způsob, jakým se věda dělá a jak se dochází k vědeckým (...)
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  3. An LDA approach to the neural correlates of configural learning.Leslie M. Blaha, T. Busey & James T. Townsend - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
  4. Logische Wirklichkeitsstruktur und personaler Seinsgrund.Ottokar Blaha - 1955 - Graz,: Stiasny.
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    "Re" Consultations... going, going, gone?".J. Blaha - 2010 - The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha 73 (3):52.
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    Relativistic quantum metaphysics: a first principles basis for the standard model of elementary particles.Stephen Blaha - 2008 - Auburn, NH: Pingree-Hill Publishing.
    This book develops new forms of logic: Operator Logic, Probabilistic Operator Logic and Quantum Operator Logic. It then proceeds to create a new view of metaphysics, Relativistic Quantum Metaphysics, for physical Reality. It then derives the form of The Standard Model of Elementary Particles. In particular it derives the origin of parity violation, the origin of the Strong interactions, and the origin of its peculiar symmetry. Also developed are new formalisms for Logic that are of interest in themselves. While mathematics (...)
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    The Future of Civilizations.Stephen Blaha - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (1):109-122.
    The short term and long term prospects of civilizations is considered. It appears that the present mix of five major civilizations will continue with the possible addition of a Pan-African civilization that appears to be in the process of formation. The cycles of events in these civilizations is expected to be a continuation of cyclic behavior found in the author’s earlier work. Global Warming, environmental degradation, overpopulation, excessive numbers of older unproductive people, warfare and competition for resources will be detrimental (...)
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    The Standard Model's Form Derived From Operator Logic, Superluminal Transformations and Gl(16).Stephen Blaha - 2010 - Pingree-Hill.
    This new edition of work that has evolved over the past seven years completes the derivation of the form of The Standard Model from quantum theory and the extension of the Theory of Relativity to superluminal transformations. The much derided form of The Standard Model is established from a consideration of Lorentz and superluminal relativistic space-time transformations. So much so that other approaches to elementary particle theory pale in comparison. In previous work color SU(3) was derived from space-time considerations. This (...)
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    The Logical Structure of Reality.Ottokar Blaha - 1957 - Philosophy Today 1 (1):39-42.
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  10. Die Ontologie Kants.Ottokar Blaha - 1967 - Salzburg, München,: Pustet.
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  11. Individualism as you don't know it.Lubos Blaha - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (1):77-97.
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  12. JG Fichte and his vision of future politics.Petr Blaha - 2011 - Filosoficky Casopis 59 (2):263-268.
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    How Packaging of Information in Conversation Is Impacted by Communication Medium and Restrictions.Sarah A. Bibyk, Leslie M. Blaha & Christopher W. Myers - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In team-based tasks, successful communication and mutual understanding are essential to facilitate team coordination and performance. It is well-established that an important component of human conversation is the maintenance of common ground. Maintaining common ground has a number of associated processes in which conversational participants engage. Many of these processes are lacking in current synthetic teammates, and it is unknown to what extent this lack of capabilities affects their ability to contribute during team-based tasks. We focused our research on how (...)
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    A life-time in Soviet science reconsidered: The adventure of cybernetics in the Soviet Union. [REVIEW]Arnost Kolman - 1978 - Minerva 16 (3):416-424.
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    Memory retrieval and central comparison times in information processing.George E. Briggs & John Blaha - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):395.
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    Seizure Prediction and Detection via Phase and Amplitude Lock Values.Mark H. Myers, Akshay Padmanabha, Gahangir Hossain, Amy L. de Jongh Curry & Charles D. Blaha - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  17. A Diamond-Based Electrode for Detection of Neurochemicals in the Human Brain.Kevin E. Bennet, Jonathan R. Tomshine, Hoon-Ki Min, Felicia S. Manciu, Michael P. Marsh, Seungleal B. Paek, Megan L. Settell, Evan N. Nicolai, Charles D. Blaha, Abbas Z. Kouzani, Su-Youne Chang & Kendall H. Lee - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  18. Arnošt Kolman’s Critique of Mathematical Fetishism.Jakub Mácha & Jan Zouhar - 2020 - In Radek Schuster (ed.), The Vienna Circle in Czechoslovakia. Springer. pp. 135-150.
    Arnošt Kolman (1892–1979) was a Czech mathematician, philosopher and Communist official. In this paper, we would like to look at Kolman’s arguments against logical positivism which revolve around the notion of the fetishization of mathematics. Kolman derives his notion of fetishism from Marx’s conception of commodity fetishism. Kolman is aiming to show the fact that an entity (system, structure, logical construction) acquires besides its real existence another formal existence. Fetishism means the fantastic detachment of the physical characteristics of real (...)
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    Arnošt Kolman and Bertrand Russell at the 1948 international congress of philosophy.Jakub Mácha - 2016 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 36 (2).
    The only encounter of the Czech philosopher and Communist official Arnošt Kolman with Bertrand Russell at the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy in Amsterdam in 1948 was unfortunate. Kolman’s paper, “The Tasks of Contemporary Philosophy in the Struggle for New Humanism”, aroused a vitriolic rejoinder by Russell. However, the text of the paper as published in the congress Proceedings has a conciliatory tone. This version could not have aroused such a reaction. There is, however, an article, with a similar (...)
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    (1 other version)Arnošt Kolman: Portrait of a marxist-leninist philosopher.Pavel Kovaly - 1972 - Studies in East European Thought 12 (4):337-366.
    Kolman''s philosophy has been, throughout the major part of his life, distinctly Stalinist. After he had been released from prison and after the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R. (1956), he became critical of Stalinist dogmatism in philosophy and politics. Although his philosophic thought underwent some — if only minor — changes, Kolman remained entirely within the framework of Marxist philosophy, retaining its foundations, as contained in the writings of the classics of Marxism — Marx, Engels and (...)
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  21. O BLAHA, "Logische Wirklichkeitsstruktur und personaler Seinsgrund".M. F. Sciacca - 1955 - Giornale di Metafisica 10 (4/5):798.
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  22. O. Blaha, Die Ontologie Kants. [REVIEW]R. Malter - 1969 - Kant Studien 60 (4):533.
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    Kolman Arnošt. Kritický výklad symbolické metody moderní logiky . Orbis, Prague 1948, 299 pp. [REVIEW]O. V. Zich - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):56-57.
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    Zrozeni astronomie . Arnošt Dittrich.Ruth Struik - 1936 - Isis 26 (1):211-212.
  25. Blaha , Logische Wirklichkeitsstruktur und personaler Seinsgrund. [REVIEW]R. Blanché - 1960 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 150:121.
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    K seno vej interpretácii ludského Blaha.Zuzana Palovičová - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (7).
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    Idea otroctví v dějinách evropského a severoamerického myšlení.Marek Hrubec - 2013 - Pro-Fil 13 (2):88.
    Text se zaměřuje na ideu otroctví v dějinách evropského a severoamerického myšlení. Věnuje se souboru šestnácti esejí Zotročení svobodou (2010), v němž Petr Bláha mapuje pojetí otroctví u vybraných filosofů v těchto dějinách a koncentruje se zejména na myšlenky autorů evropského kánonu. Postupuje chronologicky, začíná tradičně od antiky a pokračuje až do 20. století. K autorům, kteří měli na Bláhovo stanovisko největší formativní vliv, patří novověcí filosofové, s nimiž sdílí jak témata, tak do velké míry i přístup k nim. (...)
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    The controversy over dilettantism and its reflection in czech decadent literature.J. Stanek - 2007 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics; Until 2008: Estetika (Aesthetics) 44 (1-4).
    The article concentrates on a key concept of the Fin de Siecle in Europe – namely, “dilettantism” and its connection with Czech Decadent literature. Dilettantism, as explained by Paul Bourget in his essay on Ernest Renan , is characterized by the individual’s refusal to forego any possible experience by adhering to a setmode of life. The “dilettante critic” originates in the idea of the “critic as artist” as developed by Oscar Wilde, who in turn is indebted to Pater’s conception of (...)
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    Soul Death and the Legacy of Total War.David T. Lohrey - 2017 - Perichoresis 15 (2):59-81.
    Following the lead of Hannah Arendt and others, I want to argue that the imperial mystique seen in the British Empire found its way into Germany’s expansionist ambitions. I am concerned with the emotional costs of oppression, or what I call soul death. I focus on three key writers of the 20th century: Doris Lessing, Nadine Gordimer, and J. M. Coetzee, placing their writings in the context of war trauma and the barbarities associated with 20th century totalitarianism. My argument seeks (...)
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